Plants are little miracles.
We squint at the seed pinched between our fingers, and all we see is a hard, smooth shell some shade of brown or black or yellow. Yet we clear a spot in the dirt, drop the seed into the ground, and tenderly cover it back up expecting flowers or vegetables or trees to come from it. How does that happen? Although we only see a hard shell, inside that shell is an organism that grows when certain conditions are met. Water, oxygen, sunlight, and soil work together to bring forth that seed’s full potential.
Like the seed, each person has potential. There is something working inside the spirit that yearns to bloom forth vibrant and glorious. But as we experience life, we encounter withering conditions. The clouds of sickness or job loss or financial difficulties block the sun. We experience drought as loved ones fail us or even abandon us. And we root ourselves in activities and experiences that may be toxic instead of nurturing. Yet God promises that if we plant ourselves in the right soil, we will flourish. The psalmist says in Psalm 92:13, “Those that be planted in the house of the LORD shall flourish in the courts of our God.”
As a young child, I was planted by my parents in the house of the Lord. Everything in my life revolved around Him. I listened to Dan and Louie tell Bible stories on audio tapes as I played or lay down to sleep.1 I listened to Christian music that taught me about God’s character and the need for me to surrender to Him. And every time the doors of the church were open, I was there to learn about God and be around His people. As I grew, my family studied the Bible together at the kitchen table, and I learned how to serve the Lord in the church. Although work and schooling and other activities have since been grafted into my life, my roots have stayed entrenched in the house of the Lord.
I have experienced the turbulence that harsh life conditions bring. I have experienced losses and disappointments. But through it all, I have continued to grow because of where I have been planted. My church family is dear to me, and we share a bond of support and love that helps nurture us during uncertain times. God’s Word provides the life-giving water of refreshment and strength, and His light of truth stimulates growth, drawing us to stretch heavenward.
Where are you planted? Where is your family planted? It is never too late to transplant ourselves into soil that will bring growth. God promises that if we are planted in Him, we will flourish throughout our lives and into eternity.
1. Dan and his dummy Louie tell amazing “Stories from the Castle”—the Bible-land Storybook Castle! You can get a subscription or download these stories at https://danandlouiestories.com/
A lovely and Biblical application of Creation’s ways with God’s work in our hearts. I don’t see your name after this, Carmen. But since the other articles seem to be written by you, I assume this is your handiwork too. You’re growing in your gift as a writer! Praise God!
May the Lord Jesus bless you and your dear family; and continue to work through you all in His harvest field.
thanks, very interesting 🙂